Dysthymia and SAD

Do you live with a pervasive, tired pessimism,
and have done for years?
Or your darkest days correspond with
the seasonal change and decreased light?
Maybe you live with both?
If so, you might feel more than ready for illumination -- beginning with some help discovering which, if any, mood disorder may be at cause.
Dysthymia, or Persistent Mood Disorder
Awakening daily to a chronically depressed mood for at least two years may indicate the presence of a dysthymic, or persistent, mood disorder.
Some people live with undiagnosed, untreated dysthymia for decades not even realizing that their mental health could be improved with effective treatment.
Dysthymic mood typically improves when given the right sort of attention and care it needs. Simple interventions, like mindfulness or gratitude practices can begin to turn the dysthymic mood. More in-depth therapies would address possible underlying causes, like unresolved traumas, rugged family dynamics, or self-defeating thought and belief patterns.
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
When a change in seasons brings a marked decline in mood, energy and interest in formerly enjoyable activities, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) may be the culprit. Sometimes SAD sufferers seriously crave more sweets and starches but have been drained of energy or motivation to be active. Weight gain, commonly up to 5% of body weight, can add insult to the injury of a mood disorder.
Adding light during the darker months with systematic light therapy has a strong success record.
You know your depression better than anyone, but you may not know how to move toward improved and sustained well-being.
Let's see, together, if I can be of some help in shedding light. Call for an appointment now.